A couple of weeks back I posted an article about Taylor Phinney posting his Milan San Remo data on Strava. It got me wondering, how many pros actually post on Strava? I sent an email off to Strava support asking that very question and got this reply back.
Hi Todd,
Due to our privacy policy, I am not able to share this information with you. You are welcome to search for public pro racer profiles, but I am not able to create the list you have requested. Sorry about that. Have a great week!
Strava Support TeamMarch 27, 2012 09:51 am
Bugger. So you can imagine my surprise when I was flicking around Strava’s blog tonight and found this.
Hmm, bottom right. Click and bingo!Seems like there maybe a comms breakdown in Strava. 🙂
Now obviously it isn’t a full list of pros. People like Taylor Phinney aren’t yet listed as pros, but it is a good start if you are interested in watching how the pros train and race.
Got caught by the same curiosity as I found three guys on an easy search… I’ve created a list the last day of TdF 2013, have a look…
Thanks Leo. Will have a look.